Regulatory & Banking Disclosures
MUFG AFS Cayman Ltd is the banking subsidiary of the MUFG Investor Services Ltd. MUFG AFS Cayman calculates capital ratios and regulatory capital based on the capital adequacy requirements issued by the Cayman Islands Monetary Authority (CIMA), which are based on “International Convergence of Capital Measurement and Capital Standards – A Revised Framework” (Basel II).
The Basel II Framework: Rules and Guidelines – Market Discipline Disclosure Requirements (Pillar 3) has been finalized by the regulatory authority (CIMA), effective January 1st 2021. The implementation of Pillar 3 marks the promotion of market discipline amongst banks by increasing transparency. Increased transparency allows for independent and timely scrutiny by stakeholders (i.e. investors, analysts, financial customers and other market participants).
QUARTER 3 – 2022
2022 Q3 MUFG AFS Cayman Ltd – Pillar 3 Disclosure Report